Tuesday, July 8, 2014

So, this is a blog.

So, this is a blog. I've always wanted one, and always resisted it. Blogs, in one way or another, are sharing a piece of yourself, letting the world in, letting it judge you. They are being vulnerable. But, I need that. I need to open up and give the world a chance to love me, hate me, or the absolute worst...ignore me. It's my time to be brave.
People ask me a lot of questions and I'm always scrambling to find the answers. Throwing them back hastily to share as much as I can about what I believe in twenty seconds. When I reflect back, everything that I should have said suddenly becomes all too clear, and that's why this blog is here. I want to be able to write down all the things that I've learned over the very short 22 years of life I've experienced. I want to be encouraging.
But this has been a lot about me, lets talk about you. You are a very important person to me, you've taken the time to read my thoughts, and that means more to me than you could imagine. If there is something you want to ask me, then ask it. I want to serve and show you the kind of love you show me.
I don't know what this blog will turn into, but I will share my life. I'll talk about the highs and lows, the good and the bad. I will be as real as my heart can handle. I hope that you'll be here with me as I experiment with this media.

Peace out, 